Software Engineer at Helpshift šØš»āš», Maintainer at Robofied & TheAlgorithm š§°, OSS Contributor š, Technical writer āš» , Sharing my journey with useful tip and resources ā”ļø
Percentage : 89.4%
GPA : 3.57
Percentage : 81.69%
GPA : 3.26
Aggregate CGPA : 8.57
GPA : 3.7
Detect a object and Track the object at each frame of the video ,
: Python, Numpy, Matlotlib, OpenCV3
Simulink is a simulation and model-based design environment for dynamic and embedded systems, integrated with MATLAB.
: Simscape multibody toolbox
: Python, Numpy, NLTK, CountVectorizer, TFIDF, Random Forest Algorithm
The Feedback System portal contain admin, faculty and student login options where each user logs in with their respective user-id and password.
: HTML5, CSS, Bootstrap, Javascript, JQuery, SQL, PHP
Would provide a very good opportunity for freelancers to take up short term projects and would also help students to test their practical concepts by working on a real-life project.
: jQuery, Bootstrap, Node.js, Firebase, CSS, HTML5, Socket.IO, JWT
Detecting a blob (region of similar pixel value)from video
: Matlab
Flutter application - TikTok clone app added Home page ,Profile & Login Page and Register Page
: Flutter
Developed Self Balancing Amphibious Surveillance Robot which traverses autonomously and it is also made to be terrain proof. This bot has threat detection capability, audio and video live streaming, foot steps detection, object tracking, chat bot and dynamic path planning. This bot traverse using 2d Lidar, Depth camera, Camera, IMU and small Infrared sensors. This robot is controlled through Jetson nano and Atmega 328p which was integrated through ROS and also simulated using Gazebo and V-REP. DWA Planner and a combination of A* and Potential field path planning was implemented for optimal planning.
Software : Embedded C, ROS, OpenCV, Yolov3, React.js,, Javascript, Gazebo simulator, Solidworks
Hardware : Camera, Atmega 328p, Nvidia Jetson nano, Gyro stabilizer, intel realsense depth camera, GPS Module,Smoke sensor, Lidar sensor, IMU, Encoders, BLDC Motors, 4G Modem
Rugby kicking simultion design on Matlab.
Simulation multibody toolbox (Contact force-spatial, sphere to sphere, sphere to a plane, Simulink data inspector)
Recruitment Assisting platform which will help recruiters filter out resumes for a particular job profile.
Reactjs, Firebase, Flask, Cheerio, NLTK, Node.js, Scikit-learn, Firebase Cloud Firestore
Zuly is chatbot based application which help an individual to overcome his Mental disorder by exploring parameters like tracking anxiety levels, stress levels and physical and mental tiredness.
Reactjs, Semantic UI React, Tensorflow, NLTK, Tflearn, Flask, NLTK, Node.js, Firebase Cloud Firestore
Implementation of Real time face mask detection and social distancing tracking.
TensorFlow, Keras, Yolov3, MobileNetV2, SSD (Single short Detector), OpenCV, Caffe, Pillow
Organized by IETE K.J.S.C.E - Certificate
Organized by ISTE Prakalpa 2019 - Certificate
Team K.J.S.C.E Robocon secured AIR-5 in ABU Robocon held at IIT DELHI - Certificate
Cybersecurity competition hosted by CSI K.J.S.C.E - Certificate
Hackathon organized by CSI K.J.S.C.E - Certificate
Organized by DD Robocon held at IIT Delhi - Certificate
Organized by EXTC Department of K.J.S.C.E - Certificate
Organized by Team K.J.S.C.E Robocon - Certificate
Organized by Team K.J.S.C.E Codecell - Certificate
Hackathon is a part of K.J.S.C.Eās annual tech fest, Abhiyantriki Organized by K.J.S.C.E codecell - Certificate
Feedback System is part of Internship project - Certificate
Competition organized by Texus instrument - Certificate
NOTE :Competition still in progress
Hackathon organized by D.J sanghavi college of engineering(DJSCE) - Certificate
Organized by Bloombox K.J.S.C.E - Certificate
Organized by Alumni Cell K.J.S.C.E - Certificate
Organized by Tata Sons Private Limited - Certificate
Organized by Hackerrank - Certificate
Organized by Alienbrains - Certificate
Organized by Google Developer Group (GDG) Community india - Certificate
Virtual Global Summit on Artificial intelligence Organized by IndiaAI - Certificate
Competition organized by IIT Kharagpur and Coding ninjas - Certificate